Al. Vaida Voevod nr.2

Cloud Accounting

Over 15 years of experience in financial-accounting

Cloud accounting

In the business world, the transfer of Cloud accounting systems is a new and innovative solution that helps increase the productivity of accountants by optimizing the time consuming data processing and allocating it to analytical support or decision support services.

What we did

  • we have adapted the accounting to the new trend in IT - cloud computing
  • we work online with our customers on a common cloud computing ERP platform
  • the bookkeeping is in the same place (centralized) with the rest of your company's operations (purchases, sales, inventory management, banking, and home)
  • financial-accounting information becomes accessible online in real time, as primary operations unfold
  • we permanently control and verify the documents and data entered by the operators
  • identificăm şi soluţionăm problemele legate de datele introduse în timp real şi nu doar la sfârşitul lunii de lucru
  • identify and resolve issues related to real-time data and not just the end of the working month cash-generating departments in the company can rely on real-time account information verified on a laptop, tablet, or phone
  • cloud computing brings a considerable reduction in operating costs, on the management, accounting, recording and monitoring of company business data

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